Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Mrs. Levertov from New Jersey

My mother read me the letter you posted on the shluchos exchange forum. Wow. I've got to say that it's amazing to read that the memorial video is inspiring, is reminding, is doing its job.
I'll say that you hit the nail on the head with your email. Please remind the shluchos that they may circulate this video to all of their members and congregants. The song was born out of a plethora of emotions + a desire to want to make it all better. That's why the first part of the song is recounting what happens, while the second part brings forth the open desire to want to replace the evil these 10 terrorists brought upon the world, with goodness and positive light. "I will light the skies from here to Mumbai"

I must point out, though, that without Rabbi Levi Teldon, the man behind all of the promo videos for JLI, and more recently the genius behind his new company, , this project wouldn't be possible. Last year when I wrote this song, I wrote it for anyone who felt the pain and desire to better the world. However, like any artist, I didn't believe people understood what my vision of "Lighting the skies" truly meant.

Levi brought Fallen Angels to a whole new dimension. He breathed new life into it. Thanks to him, people will understand why the song was composed with tears. They will see what I saw when I sat by the piano and played it for the first time.

By the way, over night, the video got 3100 hits on But it's gotta do a whole lot better than that, so keep spreading it around. Post it to your Face Book profile, status, email it.

I hope you find my other music uplifting and inspiring. I ask that you share it as well. It's all free, and I plan on releasing more in the near future. So check back for updates.

Thanks so much, Mrs. Levertov from New Jersey


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